This is

A Digital Front Door solution for healthcare
Virtual triage, Advice & Guidance and Digital patient pathways

Intelligent virtual triage

Consultlink™ empowers healthcare providers to virtually triage patients using customisable referral access criteria and data-driven insights to accurately assess patient needs, determine urgency and prioritise care delivery.

Advice & Guidance or ‘e-Consult’

Advanced asynchronous technology that enables seamless, real-time communication between healthcare providers and patients

Immediate 20-30% reduction

Unnecessary and inappropriate hospital and outpatient presentations with ‘Advice & Guidance’

Improved patient satisfaction

Early access to specialist opinion and collaboration between treating teams

Improved provider experience

Fast and efficient access to specialist opinion with shared care plans and MDT reviews

Performance and cost savings

Significant reduction in outpatient and elective wait times, improvement in patient flow and optimising care pathways

Risk mitigation

Robust clinical governance around specialist advice, auditing, and patient follow-up

Secure sharing of clinical images and diagnostic reports

Healthcare providers and patients can easily upload, transmit and share diagnostic reports and clinical images including DICOM file types, enabling prompt specialist review and assessment.

Leveraging Microsoft Azure’s cloud health services, Consultlink™ ensures the highest level of data protection, compliance with local privacy regulations, and easy accessibility for authorised users.

Dynamic reporting and data insights

Our smart reporting tool allows users to create dynamic reports (e.g. MDT plans, discharge summaries, specialist letters, second opinions, workplace assessments) that can be custom designed to support organisational templates, e-signatures and multi-user data entry.

Powered by advanced data analytics, users can extract valuable insights from referrals and A&G requests, streamlining healthcare services and operational efficiency.

Let’s improve the way we deliver healthcare

Contact us to learn more or to organise a pilot at your healthcare organisation